
Note: To run the Tobii PCEyeGo or Tobii PCEye Mini eye control on a device with Mind Express from version 4.3.0, you will need to install Gaze Interaction Software or higher.

If you have not yet installed PCEye software on your device, start by installing the PCEye Software Suite. You can find the PCEye Suite Web Installer in the PCEye Software Suite group on the website

If you have already installed PCEye software on your device, you need to verify if the software is up to date. Launch the PCEye Update Notifier program and download the new updates.

To find out which version of the Gaze Interaction Software is running on your device, start the Gaze Interaction Settings program and select System Information. Exit the program!

During the installation of the PCEye Software Suite, you will need to proceed with the PCEye Configuration Guide program. Make sure that you configure the screen dimensions! If you have forgotten to do this, start the PCEye Configuration Guide program and configure the screen dimensions.

The settings in Mind Express are exclusive to Mind Express and do not affect the settings in the Gaze Interaction Settings or the Windows Control settings. It is recommended to disable the Gaze Interaction Settings program and the Windows Control program when using Mind Express, to avoid possible conflicts.