The shared media library

If you would like to work with a shared media library with different users, we recommend using Google Drive. Google Drive is cloud storage. Google Drive places the shared library in the cloud, while each user has a copy on their local disk. If the user changes anything in his local media library, Google Drive will automatically sync the changes to the cloud, thus including user adjustments in the cloud. This way, the cloud will always have the latest version.

Moreover, any change in the cloud is also transmitted to all devices that have a local copy and the local copy is immediately adjusted for all users. All devices are continuously synchronized and as a result, each device immediately receives the changes made by a user on a device.


  1. You can use a copy on the local disk of the device you're working on, which is faster than a network disk. You're no longer dependent on server hardware or server infrastructure. No errors due to loss of network connectivity. Network drives can occasionally cause problems in Windows, especially on WiFi networks.
  2. You are not limited to network infrastructure to use a shared media library. This way, users can continue to work at home with Mind Express, on their own device with the same library. Users can share their work from different locations. All you need is an Internet connection.
  3. You can continue to work if the Internet connection is temporarily disconnected. You always have a local copy.
  4. You immediately have a free and secure backup of the media library in the cloud so you can't lose data. Just you and the other users have access to the shared media library in the cloud. Access is managed by your Google account.
  5. Google Drive provides 15GB of free storage. This more than enough for the majority of Mind Express installations. If you need more space, you can extend storage space to 100GB for € 20 per year.
Tip: If Google Drive is not an option, you can use Dropbox or OneDrive (by Microsoft). The principle remains the same. We recommend Google Drive because you get 15GB of free storage.