Checking for homophones

You can underline the homophones in your text. You can display the meaning of a homophone by using images, an explanations and example sentences.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In SprintPlus: Choose the Start tab.
    • In Word: Choose the SPRINT tab.
  2. Choose Write group > Highlight homophones in text Homophones .
    SprintPlus displays homophones in the text in blue and are underlined in blue. In Word homophones have a double red border.
  3. Click a homophone.
    The Homophones dialog appears with images, an explanation and example sentences on the homophones. Click to hear the homophone.
  4. Carry out one of the following actions to select the correct homophone:
    • Click next to the correct homophone.
    • Click the image of the correct homophone.