Adding an alternative text field
By using the Activate alternative text tool button, symbols, math formulas or fragments of text that are not pronounced correctly, are read out loud correctly.
The alternative text fields are only read out loud when they are added:
- to an order field (green)
- to a page that does not yet contain order fields
To view the underlying text (as it was recognized by character recognition), select Document content in the Prepare document group on the PDF Tools tab. The text is displayed at the bottom of the open document, in the Document content window, exactly as it will be read out loud.
- Choose the PDF Tools tab.
- Click Activate alternative text tool
- Use the mouse to draw a block around the text. The Alternative text dialog appears.
- Enter the text you want to have read out loud, in the Alternative text: options group.
- In the Language drop-down list, change the language you want to use to read out loud the text.
- Click OK. A blue shaded box appears.