Creating a calculator

  1. Create a new file. See Creating a new document.
  2. Edit the cell (F5).
  3. Type the digit or the operation in the label.
  4. Adjust the style so the label is displayed in the center of the cell and with a larger font (for example 72).
  5. From the Actions drop-down list, choose the Calculator action.
  6. In the operations field enter the digit of the operation.
    Enter Explanation
    0-9 The numbers 0 to 9
    + add up
    - subtract
    * multiply
    / share
    ^ to the power of
    = equals
    @ square root
    R fraction 1/x
    i +/-
    C Clear All
    B Delete a digit or operation
    ? The complete operation is read aloud.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat step 2 to 7 for the other cells.
    Tip: Also add cells that allow you to clear a digit, clear the operation or everything!
  9. Edit the cell (F5).
    Tip: Make the result cell larger than the other cells!
  10. Click Advanced in the Edit dialog.
  11. Choose Calculator from the Type: drop-down list.
  12. As required, select one of the following options:
    Option Explanation
    Show Result Only Only the result of the operation is displayed. If this option has not been selected, then the complete operation appears in the cell before the result.
    Read out operations The operations are said aloud.
    Reset at Pageload The result is cleared when the page is loaded.
    Write result in the messagebox The result of the operation is written in the message box after you have selected the cell before the result.
  13. Click OK.