Creating a copy of a document

You can make a copy of the current document, so that the document together with all linked documents are copied to a folder specified in Media Library Documents. All the links between the files will still be working. Making a copy of an existing document is very useful if you want to modify the document without changing the original files.

For example: you want to customize the Mind Express sample file for a user. Make a copy of the sample file and customize for the user. This way the original sample file remains unchanged.

  1. Choose File > Make copy....
  2. In the top field, enter the name of the folder you want to copy all the documents to.
    The folder is created in Documents in the Media Library.
  3. In the bottom field, change the text you want to add to all documents.
    By default, the folder name is added to each document.
    me4_eng (Alex)